Tuesday 30 November 2010

I have done some layout sketches in my sketch pad and also shows the different steps off the images on my last post, but rather me putting these up am just going to go ahead and show my final design for my informatibe leaflet.

These are the images i have choosen for my leaflet....

These images below i like alot and plan to use with the correct steps along side them.

Also here is some that i have taken from the house, these i will use in my final design...

Below is the logo and ambulance service i choose my leaflet for...

Above shows the logo for st johns ambulance, i've choosen these as they have alot of very useful info and diagrams regarding CPR for babies that i can use in my leaflet.

other images of CPR for babies...

PRO one : Paramedic assist

Ok, this this brief i haveb decided to opt for the 2d graphics poster. in this we are to provide an informative leaflet to show the different steps of CPR. Now theres loads that i could decide to do, from strokes, heart attacks, choking, diabetics etc, but for this i have decided to go ahead and design my leaflet based on CPR for babies under the age of 12 months. I choose this because i have a niece around 7 months and always freak out incase she's choking, so am sure am not the only one out there that does this and know that it would be very useful, therefore thought this was a good choice for mine.