Wednesday 15 December 2010


This one i like alot and will use as my final design...



Ok below is some websites that i've found on the net off peace organisations already up and running, although these websites consist of information and news updates whereas popular peace want their website to act as forum for people who are living in war torn countries to voice their needs, not give just give information !!



Ok for PRO:FOUR I have chosen option B, to create a brand identity for the organisation popular
Popular Peace is an organisation that accumulates and disrtibutes research data to be gathered from post conflict countries espically concerned with what the population would prioritise with peace if given the choice.

The website will act as a research source for peace building scholars and policy makers. The idea involves the 'civilizing' of peace building around genuinely democratic processes - rather than just holding elections and then leaving it to chance and charity. Elections are just a technical processes. approach assumes a deeper approach to the social reality of millions of extremely vulnerable people. It presumes that the people in post conflict spaces have to be heard in order for them to participate meaningfully. This website communicates their priorities to the outside world so they might provide what people want, rather than what we believe they should have.

Popular Peace want to develop a brand logo that can be used to make people aware of their organisation. A logo that can be used on all of their documents and advertising campaigns. They also aim to set up a website, were the needs of the people living in war torn countries can be published, the website will act as a platform for the people to let the countries who are giving them aid know exactly what they need.

Brand Identity: popular peace


Right i've just decided to go with my ma's story because at this stage i really cant be picky as am way behind ! So next step is tp recored my interview with my mother.

Thursday 9 December 2010


At this stage i don't really know which story im going to go with, stii mite hunt down a more interesting story and person to interview.


Mura ( my ma) aged 52:

I think i was aound 3 years old at the time and i remember going shopping with my granny for new boots, i remember walking over the bridge and it was snowing as the shoe shop was at the corner of the bridge. I remember getting these new red boots with white fur inside them with laces and remember that i couldn't tie them so my granny did. I remember that few minutes from walking home again with the new boots on they got soaking wet and i couldn't stop crying.

Vincent (my da) aged 55

My first memory is being probably aorund 2/3 years old and having to go out the back garden and use the outside toilet, i remember this because it was always freezing.

Grainne (aged 31)

my first memory is getting bathed in the sink in the kitchen, i remember it being a big square sink.

Fiona (aged 24)

My first memory is at my aunt and uncles house and remember this because when i was there they brought my cousin back a new dog, think it was a puppy collie.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

My earliest memory... MAD lol

Haha i tried thinking of my earliest memory and the first memory i can think off is really weird ! Im not sure what age i was but I remember me and my big brother whose about 4 years older than me being in my granda's house, this being my ma's father, because i always remember him being a grumpy old S*** were my da's da was a nice man. Anyway, we were in his house and i remember him taking out either a box a sweets or a tin a sweets and sitting there munching them and me and my brother vinny was sitting there staring at him as if to say mon give us one but he didn't. Instead he sat tempting us ! And then when he did eventually give us a sweet he gave us one a them wee bourneville sweets to half, ye know the wee dark chocolate ones with the red and gold wrapping haha, i remember me and my brother both looking at each other as if to say is he for real ! You think my ma would a told him to catch himself on, anyway thats my earliest memory, told you it was mad : ) 

Earilest memory...

My next step is to show a few examples already on the net of peoples earlest memories !!

PRO : THREE - 'earliest memory'

For this early memories project i think i will do the short video, not really to sure at this stage who am actually going to base the video on but have a few ideas. I think i will get a few different ones and then decide which one i think sounds the best.

Final designs for egg stamps...

Sorry i couldn't manage to get my final designs on my blog, however they are all finalised in my sketch pad !!

Actually i got them on here there are...

Wednesday 1 December 2010


As i mentioned earler that i struugled with an idea, i managed to come up with the ieda if a teachers classroom stamp for children. The idea of this is the stamp being a cartoon character of an egg with his thumbs up saying 'EGGcellent' haha. I know its bad but couln't think off anything else :)

Above shows few examples of teachers classroom stamps...

I will go on to design my egg cartoon chatacter as a stamp for my final design.



To be honest i thought that this was the most random brief i have ever got and struggled to come with an original idea ! When i thought of this i straight away thought of a bad egg, egg characters like humpty dumpty, and buildings shaped like a egg or the egg in ibiza also stood out in my mind.
Below is some examples of how eggs have been used in different design ideas.....


This poster below is very controversal and very disturbing ! But i think it puts the message accross really strongly that water is life and without water there won't be life only death. This accounts for all living matter.


Here is a poster done with using the land dried up, it is very simple but puts the message across. However still don't think it is strong enough for my final design.


These are all really good examples off posters already done.



For this project i have chosen the 'water for life' brief.
I have choosen this as i feel more confident in this one than the other options, for this i plan to produce a poster that really hits the message home about how life is like without water, rather than the option a showing how things are with plenty of water available.
Still i will show some examples of these now as there are many out there.

Above is the final design layout for my leaflet, this consists of the front, back and contact page.


Above is the final design for my leaflet, this is the inside layout which consists of page1,2 and 3.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

I have done some layout sketches in my sketch pad and also shows the different steps off the images on my last post, but rather me putting these up am just going to go ahead and show my final design for my informatibe leaflet.

These are the images i have choosen for my leaflet....

These images below i like alot and plan to use with the correct steps along side them.

Also here is some that i have taken from the house, these i will use in my final design...

Below is the logo and ambulance service i choose my leaflet for...

Above shows the logo for st johns ambulance, i've choosen these as they have alot of very useful info and diagrams regarding CPR for babies that i can use in my leaflet.

other images of CPR for babies...

PRO one : Paramedic assist

Ok, this this brief i haveb decided to opt for the 2d graphics poster. in this we are to provide an informative leaflet to show the different steps of CPR. Now theres loads that i could decide to do, from strokes, heart attacks, choking, diabetics etc, but for this i have decided to go ahead and design my leaflet based on CPR for babies under the age of 12 months. I choose this because i have a niece around 7 months and always freak out incase she's choking, so am sure am not the only one out there that does this and know that it would be very useful, therefore thought this was a good choice for mine.