Wednesday 15 December 2010


Ok for PRO:FOUR I have chosen option B, to create a brand identity for the organisation popular
Popular Peace is an organisation that accumulates and disrtibutes research data to be gathered from post conflict countries espically concerned with what the population would prioritise with peace if given the choice.

The website will act as a research source for peace building scholars and policy makers. The idea involves the 'civilizing' of peace building around genuinely democratic processes - rather than just holding elections and then leaving it to chance and charity. Elections are just a technical processes. approach assumes a deeper approach to the social reality of millions of extremely vulnerable people. It presumes that the people in post conflict spaces have to be heard in order for them to participate meaningfully. This website communicates their priorities to the outside world so they might provide what people want, rather than what we believe they should have.

Popular Peace want to develop a brand logo that can be used to make people aware of their organisation. A logo that can be used on all of their documents and advertising campaigns. They also aim to set up a website, were the needs of the people living in war torn countries can be published, the website will act as a platform for the people to let the countries who are giving them aid know exactly what they need.

Brand Identity: popular peace

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