Thursday 9 December 2010


Mura ( my ma) aged 52:

I think i was aound 3 years old at the time and i remember going shopping with my granny for new boots, i remember walking over the bridge and it was snowing as the shoe shop was at the corner of the bridge. I remember getting these new red boots with white fur inside them with laces and remember that i couldn't tie them so my granny did. I remember that few minutes from walking home again with the new boots on they got soaking wet and i couldn't stop crying.

Vincent (my da) aged 55

My first memory is being probably aorund 2/3 years old and having to go out the back garden and use the outside toilet, i remember this because it was always freezing.

Grainne (aged 31)

my first memory is getting bathed in the sink in the kitchen, i remember it being a big square sink.

Fiona (aged 24)

My first memory is at my aunt and uncles house and remember this because when i was there they brought my cousin back a new dog, think it was a puppy collie.

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