Tuesday 7 December 2010

My earliest memory... MAD lol

Haha i tried thinking of my earliest memory and the first memory i can think off is really weird ! Im not sure what age i was but I remember me and my big brother whose about 4 years older than me being in my granda's house, this being my ma's father, because i always remember him being a grumpy old S*** were my da's da was a nice man. Anyway, we were in his house and i remember him taking out either a box a sweets or a tin a sweets and sitting there munching them and me and my brother vinny was sitting there staring at him as if to say mon give us one but he didn't. Instead he sat tempting us ! And then when he did eventually give us a sweet he gave us one a them wee bourneville sweets to half, ye know the wee dark chocolate ones with the red and gold wrapping haha, i remember me and my brother both looking at each other as if to say is he for real ! You think my ma would a told him to catch himself on, anyway thats my earliest memory, told you it was mad : ) 

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